Selasa, 16 Maret 2021

Finger Cutting is Used as a Culture in Papua

Finger Cutting is Used as a Culture in Papua - The horror of a culture that is still thick causes a person to become accustomed to a culture that has been lived. One culture that is still thick with horror in Papua is the culture of finger cutting. Really horrified, here is an article that discusses finger cutting culture.

The iki palek tradition is a tradition of cutting finger hands which is practiced by the Dani people, Papua. This is done when their close relative dies and as a sign of their loyalty to their close relative. They think that cutting off a finger is a symbol of the pain and pain of someone who has lost a family member. Finger cutting can also be interpreted as an effort to prevent a 'recurrence' of the catastrophe that has claimed the life of someone in a bereaved family. Someone who has died still has a relationship with those who are still alive. In order for the relationship to be balanced, the living human must surrender a part of his spirit to the deceased person and their finger is the object of the sacrifice.

The iki palek tradition is carried out by women because women have very deep feelings for someone they care about such as their mother, husband or child. The number of their fingers cut off indicates the large number of families who have died. Although generally iki palek is generally done by women, men also have their own way of showing their sense of mourning and loyalty. Men who are mourning will slice off their ears using a sharp bamboo.

At the end of this Palek iki ritual, men will bathe in mud as a sign that a living human will die and return to the ground. For the Dani tribe, fingers can be interpreted as a symbol of harmony, unity and strength in humans and in a family. Even though the naming of fingers in the human hand only mentions one family representative, namely the thumb.

However, if you look closely at the differences in each shape and length of the finger, it has a unity and the strength of togetherness to alleviate all the burdens of human work. Fingers work together to build a strength so that our hands can function perfectly. Just losing one segment can result in our hands not working optimally. So if one of the parts disappears, the togetherness component disappears and strength decreases. Another reason is "Wene opakima dapulik welaikarek mekehasik" or the basic guidelines for living together in one family, one clan, one honai (house), one tribe, one ancestor, one language, a history / origins, and so on.

Togetherness is very important for the people of the central highlands of Papua. The deep sadness and heartache of a person who has been left behind by a family member will only heal when the wound on the finger has healed and does not hurt anymore. Maybe that's why the Papuan highlands people cut their fingers when a family dies. The tradition of cutting fingers in Papua itself is done in many ways, ranging from using sharp objects such as knives, axes, or machetes. There are also those who do this by biting their knuckles off, tying them with a rope so that the blood flow stops and the knuckles die and then cutting them off.

In addition to the tradition of cutting fingers, in Papua there is also a tradition that is carried out in mourning ceremonies. This tradition is a tradition of mud bathing. Mud baths are carried out by members or groups within a certain period of time. Mud baths mean that every person who dies has returned to nature. Humans started from the ground and returned to the ground. Some sources say that the tradition of cutting fingers is now almost abandoned. Few people do this lately because of the influence of religion that has started to develop around the central highlands of Papua. However, we can still find many remains of old men and women with their fingers cut off because of this tradition.

First of all, the fingers will be wrapped with thread, so that there is not much blood coming out. Even if the parent dies, then two knuckles must be cut. If a relative is dead, only one finger segment will be cut off. Each finger that is broken off represents how many families have died. After that, the cutting party will carry a stone ax (Yaga). However, before cutting off his finger, the victim had to cast a spell first, then severely aimed it directly at his finger.

Fortunately, this tradition is no longer practiced because the government has banned this cruel traditional ritual. Now the stumped fingers can be seen from the old woman in the Dani Tribe.

West Java Traditional Clothing

West Java Traditional Clothing - One area that has many traditions in Java is West Java, with its traditional clothes and crafts. On this occasion we will provide several articles related to the discussion of West Java's Typical Traditional Clothing. Here we will provide some reviews and discussions related to West Java's Typical Traditional Clothing.

Traditional Clothing for the Nobility

The first type of traditional West Javanese clothing is traditional clothing used for aristocrats. For aristocrats, the clothes they wore certainly had a symbol of grandeur, so the designs of these clothes were intricate and aesthetically pleasing. For the clothes used by noble men, they consisted of a closed coat with black velvet and embroidered with gold thread. This outfit also has trousers with an almost identical motif plus a dodot cloth with a broken rengreng parang pattern. Benten or a gold belt and a bendo that is used for headgear are complementary accessories for this traditional outfit. In addition, there are accessories in the form of black slippers that were used as footwear for the aristocrats at that time. For female aristocrats.

The clothes they wore were black velvet kebayas embroidered with gold threads and kebat cloth with rereng motifs. Footwear in the form of slippers made of black velvet with beaded embroidery also adds to the beautiful impression. The traditional dress of the nobility for women also uses less accessories than men. Jewelry such as rings, brooches, necklaces, and other jewelry made of gold made the clothing of the nobility very beautiful and had aesthetic value. Not only that, the hairpin that is used for the hair in the bun is also made of gold.

Traditional Clothing for the Middle Class

West Java traditional clothes for the middle class are usually used by those who can be called the middle class in social life. For men, the medium-sized West Javanese clothing uses white bed clothes and batik kebat cloth. The footwear also uses tar oath sandals. The accessories used by the men are a belt and headband and a watch with a gold chain. This gold chain timepiece hangs in the pocket of the shirt which further enhances the look.

As for women, they wear kebaya with various colors on the top. In the subordinate section, they wear batik kebat cloth with various patterns. Not forgetting that they also wear beubeur or belt, footwear, and colored scarves. Jewelry in the form of bracelets, necklaces, and rings made of gold are also worn as accessories that add to the beauty of this outfit.

Traditional clothes for the commoners

Commoners usually wear simple clothes. For men, they wear komprang pants with leather or cloth belts. Kampret clothes or Salontren shirts with poleng sarongs slung over their shoulders also complement traditional West Javanese clothing for commoners. You also don't forget to wear footwear in the form of a bag and head covering. While for women, they also wear clothes that can be said to be simple. Because they wear long batik cloth or sijak kebat and beubeur or belt and kebaya clothes which are also equipped with a batik scarf. Camisels or braids also complement the traditional women's clothing used by commoners. For accessories used, women usually wear hair ornaments that are tied up in a small bun and are equipped with various accessories such as plain rings, bahar root bracelets, and round earrings. Do not forget that the footwear in the form of keteplek sandals or flip-flops is also used by common women.

Traditional Clothes For Weddings

West Java also has traditional clothes that are used for weddings and has a name, namely Sukapura bridal clothing. Usually this outfit is in the form of a white closed coat with a belt of the same color and is usually worn by the groom. Slag fabrics for subordinates with a headgear with a slope pattern and white slippers complement the groom's wedding attire. Long necklaces of jasmine flowers and keris and cleaver are also used as decoration in the groom's wedding attire. As for the bride and groom, they usually wear a white brocade kebaya with a rereng eneng cloth as a subordinate. Gold colored belts or what is called benten and white slippers also complement the bride's outfit.

The decorations used by the bride are in the form of long necklaces, flash stone jewelery, stud bracelets, rings, brooches, and others. In addition, the hair bun decorated with five tuberose flowers and seven rocking flowers also complement the bride's decoration.

Traditional Clothing For Official Events

At formal events, usually the people of West Java wear special clothes which have recently been set as the standard. You can see this when there is a mojang and jajaka selection event that is held every year. Boys usually wear a closed coat with a free color and trousers in a color that matches the suit. They also wore the side cloth on the waist, head coverings, and footwear in the form of slippers. In addition, the chain watch in the pocket is also a decoration.

As for the mojang, the clothes used are plain kebaya with embroidered embroidery and kebat, beubeur, camisole, and karembong, and footwear in the form of slippers with colors in harmony with the kebaya and they also don't forget to wear. For decoration, they use a bun with decoration. flowers for hair, earrings, brooches, rings, and other jewelry made of gold.

Indonesian Cultural Heritage Recognized by UNESCO

Indonesian Cultural Heritage Recognized by UNESCO - Some of the articles we will provide are articles that we summarize from reliable sources, here are some articles that discuss Indonesian cultural wiras recognized by UNESCO.

As a good Indonesian citizen who loves the country, it is imperative to know the following rows of original Indonesian cultural heritage:

1. Pencak Silat

The original Indonesian cultural heritage that has just been recognized by UNESCO is Pencak Silat. This intangible cultural heritage is a martial art like Taekwondo and Karate from Japan.

Regional origin: Malays, Malacca Peninsula, Sumatra
Year determined: 2019

2. Perahu Pinisi (Seni Pembuatan Kapal) / ( Pinisi Boat (The Art of Shipbuilding)

Next is Pinisi. Phinisi is the art of ship or boat building, which has been inherited from the maritime tradition of the Bugis people. This ship is also often used to travel the world by Navy cadets.

Origin: Central Sulawesi
Year established: 2017

3. Balinese traditional dance

The next intangible legacy is traditional Balinese dance. Not only one, there are many types of Balinese dances, namely as follows: Gambuh Dance Drama, Wayang Wong Dance Drama, Baris Dance, Barong Ket Dance, Bumbung Joget Dance, Legong Keraton Dance, Rejang Dance, Sanghyang Dedari Dance, Sidakarya Mask Dance.

Origin: Bali
Year established: 2015

4. Sekaten

Next up is Sekaten. This intangible cultural heritage is a tradition practiced by every Isra 'Mi'raj, by residents of Solo and Yogyakarta.

The most eagerly awaited thing from this Sekaten tradition is the moment of fighting over the mountains containing agricultural products.

Origin: Central Java
Year established: 2014

5. Lumpia (Spring rolls)

The original Indonesian cultural heritage in the form of food is Lumpia. However, actually Lumpia is a culinary treat that was adapted from Chinese culture.

Then the recipe was modified which made it very Indonesian. Until now, Lumpia has become a popular traditional snack in Bandung, Semarang, Solo and surrounding areas.

Origin: Semarang, Central Java
Year established: 2014

6. Gamelan

The original cultural heritage of Indonesia in the form of traditional musical instruments is the Gamelan. This musical instrument has also been very popular, to western countries.

Origin: Central Java
Year established: 2014

Ngaben Ceremony in Bali

Ngaben Ceremony in Bali - The culture of each region has its own differences. Starting from language, dance, to how to bury. One of the cultures in Bali that we have never heard of is Ngaben, the ceremony for delivering corpses by burning corpses.

For the Balinese Hindu community, the Ngaben ceremony has 3 main objectives. The first objective is a form of releasing the spirit or the Atma from worldly bonds. At a later stage, this release becomes a means of making it easier for the spirit to unite with God (Mokshatam Atmanam).

The next goal, is to return all the elements of Panca Maha Bhuta. What is Panca Maha Bhuta? None other than the 5 main elements that make up the gross human body. The five elements are solid elements such as bones, flesh, nails, whatever is the liquid element, the wood or air element, teja, the heat element, and akasa which is the ether element whose existence gives rise to cavities in the human body.

The final goal of the Ngaben ceremony by the Balinese Hindu community is as a symbol of the family. When carrying out the Ngaben ceremony, it is a sign that the family who has been abandoned, has been sincere about the departure of the body.

Types of Ngaben Ceremony in Bali

Ordinary people may only recognize the Ngaben ceremony in Bali as a corpse cremation ritual. In fact, Balinese people themselves have 5 types of Ngaben traditions that are distinguished based on the way they are carried out, namely:

1. Ngaben sawa wedana

This ceremony is carried out by involving the corpse which is still intact. This means that the body is not buried first and the execution is carried out between 3 and 7 days after the time of death. At special times, there is also the implementation of the Ngaben Sawa Wedana which is carried out one month after the death of the body.

During the waiting period, the body was placed in the customary hall area. To prevent spoilage, Balinese Hindu people use special ingredients. It's just that, recently, these special ingredients are often replaced with formaldehyde. During this waiting period, the corpse will be treated as if it were a living human. They will also think of it as someone sleeping or resting as usual.

2. Ngaben Asti Wedana

Ngaben asti wedana is a ceremony that involves a body that has been buried. Before the implementation, the ngagah ritual is carried out first, which is a method of taking the remaining bones from the corpse.

3. Private

This Ngaben tradition is carried out without involving the corpse in it. The implementation usually occurs because of things that are not possible, such as when a body is not found due to an accident, dies abroad, and so on.

As a substitute for the corpse, sandalwood was usually used which had been previously painted and filled with magical characters. The depiction and filling are representations of the gross body atma jenazah concerned.

4. Ngelungah

The tradition of the Ngaben Ngelungah ceremony is carried out for children who have not reached the date of their teeth.

5. Warak kruron

Ngaben warak kruron is specifically carried out for the bodies of babies who have miscarried.

Apart from having different types, the Ngaben ceremony in Bali is also carried out in a special manner. Moreover, for Balinese people, Ngaben is a religious ritual that is so important and should not be done carelessly.

Get to Know Indonesia's Ambivalent Culture

Get to Know Indonesia's Ambivalent Culture - Indonesia is a country that has a variety of ethnicities, with many ethnic groups having an impact on the acquisition of culture. Talking about Indonesian culture, means we are talking about a wealth of a nation that is priceless. As the nation's successor, it is our duty to be able to continue to protect and preserve Indonesian culture as an ancestral heritage.

But, do you know that there are many cultures in Indonesia that are well known and have received world recognition. In fact, not a few foreign people learn about Indonesian culture. What are the world famous Indonesian cultures? Check out the following Ublik review

1. Gamelan

This traditional Indonesian musical instrument is often referred to as the "Javanese orchestra" by people abroad. You could say that gamelan is well known throughout the earth, one of which is the Sukra student gamelan group from England. Gamelan in Indonesia is generally only taught in karawitan schools or high schools majoring in the arts. In fact, in the United States gamelan is quite popular. There are around 400 gamelan communities in Uncle Sam's country, mainly based in universities. Even in Europe there are gamelan music groups with members from various countries.

2. Batik

You could say this one patterned cloth is very trendy in the world. In fact, not only ordinary citizens, celebrities also wear them as their favorite clothes. Not infrequently batik is also used by world leaders at international events.

3. Angklung

This musical instrument from West Java has received UNESCO recognition as part of the Proclamation Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2011. Not only recognized by UNESCO as a cultural heritage, angklung is also popular in the world. . In Japan, for example, Indonesian culture is quite attractive to Japanese people. This is evident from the enthusiasm of the Japanese people for angklung-themed events, such as the “Sound of Angklung” event that was held in Japan last August.

4. Wayang

Wayang, as a traditional art that has developed in Indonesia since hundreds of years ago, has begun to be recognized internationally. Wayang kulit performances have been performed in various countries around the world such as Saudi Arabia, Australia, United States, New Zealand and France. In 2003, UNESCO included wayang in the Masterpice of Oral Intangible Heritage of Humanity list.

5. Kecak Traditional Dance

Apart from its beautiful nature, culture is what makes foreign tourists feel at home for a long time in Bali. Kecak dance is one of them. The Kecak dance is a ballet telling the story of the Ramayana. Kecak dance performances in Bali are always packed with tourists, especially foreign tourists. One of the famous performances is the Kecak dance performance at the Uluwatu temple, where besides seeing the Kecak dance, visitors can also enjoy a beautiful sunset.

Finger Cutting is Used as a Culture in Papua

Finger Cutting is Used as a Culture in Papua - The horror of a culture that is still thick causes a person to become accustomed to a culture...